Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tina books

Peggy sent Mom the book, "Remarkable Creatures" by Tracy Chevalier. This novel is about the character, Mary Anning, who finds fossils that no one else can see. Mom's grandfather, Corwin O'Neal, collected fossils and there is a museum that has his name on the fossil display: Iowa Historical Museum in Des Moines. I have not yet read the book, but Mom recommends it, and she hopes we will visit that museum in Des Moines someday! I wanted to include this in our blog so I can remind myself when I get home.

One of my favorite books is, "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer.
This book has a tough beginning. It seems so strange because it is a story within a story. It's a book about someone writing a book, and the person writing the book is also learning English. So, the opening couple of chapters are confusing because his language is strange. But, stick it out and you enjoy the various clever ways the author thinks. James recommended that book to me. I picked it up once and dropped it; but, I tried it a second time because James told me how much he really enjoyed it. I'm so glad I did.

I love almost everything by Louise Erdrich. I have not read her young adult novels, but I enjoy her adult novels. She usually writes about native American cultures mixed with some spiritualism. Two I particularly like are, "The Master Butchers Singing Club" and "Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Hope."


  1. Tina, I liked "Everything is Illuminated" too, and they made a very odd movie from it. It's not great, but is intriguing. And now that author has written "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" and that is now a movie too. Has anyone read that? (I don't think the movie is out yet.)

  2. I have read, "Extremely loud and incredibly close" and I enjoyed it. Did you get through all the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books?" I got stuck in the middle of the third. Maybe I should slog through. I really enjoyed #1 ad #2, but less so #3.
